Solar Hat

Charging devices sustainably using renewable solar power

This project began in grade 5 when I spent a few weeks with my Grandad to create a Solar Panel Charger for our school expo. Using 2 large solar panels, I managed to generate enough to charge a few AA batteries. In Grade 7, I decided to explore this again by building a more sophisticated charger that could charge a phone or earphones through a standard usb cable. I first tried to use kinetic energy to power my charger using a coil and magnets but it didn't generate nearly enough energy. I then switched to a solar approach and decided to place this panel on a cap in order to maximise the sunlight hitting the cells. I managed to find a deal directly from a wholesale supplier who charged my $10 for 100 small solar panels without the glass coating, which meant they were very prone to snapping. Using these panels, I studied electical circuits on Khan Academy and came up with a circuit that would generate enough voltage (5V) to charge a USB device. Using a glue gun I joined the panels onto a piece of cardboard, in order to protect it from snapping, and then onto the cap. I then soldered all the wires onto the panels and with each other in series or parellel in order to match the required voltage.

I finally presented this to my class during DT and helped them to create their own projects that helped with the UN Sustainable Development Goals.