Zero Kelvin

Zero Kelvin, named through a combination of our team's first letters and reference to absolute zero, was a project we worked on through the 2nd Term of 7th Grade. The aim of the project was merely to have fun and make something that was cool, and solved a problem we personally felt. The Zero Kelvin glasses allowed users to view a real court wherever they wanted to play, and thus have a rough idea of what the court size was in relation to their space. In addition, it could be used as an Auto-Umpire using VisionKit to track the shuttle or ball and ARKIT to determine whether it was within or outside the court. If users didn't want to use the glasses, they could choose to place the phone on the side and record the game with the ar court and review footage and determine if the shot was within the bounds of the projected court.

We built the application in Swift using ARKIT, OpenCV, VisionKit and CoreML. We built the viewer using Acrylic and used a tinted front to make the court visible even in bright daylight